Munich Jewellery Week 2023

Schmuck 171

Munich Jewellery Week 2023

Helena Lehtinen · Eija Mustonen · Janna Syvänoja

im März präsentiert 84 GHz zwei Ausstellungen bei der Internationalen Schmuckwoche.
In unserem Kulturkeller sind die finnischen Künstlerinnen Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen und Janna Syvänoja mit neuen Arbeiten zu Gast. Ihre Objekte zeigen die Verbundenheit der Künstlerinnen zu alten Handwerkstechniken und ungewöhnlichen Materialien, die sie mit ihren Stücken zeitgemäß interpretieren.

The exhibition is like a peek to a garden. New sprouts give delicate colours to the black soil, partly covered with some snow. Old perennials, remembering the past years, are ready for the shining bloom. It is spring, it is time to roll up the sleeves, put the gloves on and to fall in to the surprising, meditative process. There is similarity in the history of making jewellery and gardening. They both need touch, care, time, patience, faith and working hands. You may reach your vision, you may fail - anyway you are hooked. It is about the communication, with materials, with yourself, with your surroundings. As the reward you have received touched soul, dirty hands and perceptive mind. You have grown something, that did not exist before.

Private view: Thursday 9 March, 18 - 22 · Show runs: Friday to Sunday, 12 - 19
Address: 84 GHz, Georgenstraße 84 · P: +49 89 30 63 79 11